helm cheat sheet
Helm Cheat Sheet
List Installed Helm Charts
#List Installed Helm Charts in current
helm ls
# or
helm list
# List Installed Helm Charts from all namespace
helm ls -aA
helm list --all-namespaces
#List Installed Helm Charts in specific namespace
helm ls -n cert-manager
Helm find erors in helm syntax
Helm install charts
#Run a test installation to validate and verify the chart:
# add --dry-run --debug in any helm install command
helm install [release-name] ./my-chart-directory --dry-run --debug
#Install a chart from a local directory
helm install release-name ./my-chart-directory
# Install a chart from a remote repository
helm install my-release stable/mysql
# Install a chart with custom configuration values
helm install my-release stable/mysql --set mysqlRootPassword=secretpassword
# Install a release in a specific namespace
helm install -name release-name charts-name --namespace sample
Upgrading Helm Charts
To upgrade a Helm chart to a new version or with updated configuration, you can use the helm upgrade command.
# basic
helm upgrade [release] [chart]
helm upgrade -name helm-release-name helm-charts-path
helm upgrade -name helm-release-name helm-charts-path --namespace sample
#Instruct Helm to rollback changes if the upgrade fails:
helm upgrade [release] [chart] --atomic
#Upgrade a release. If it does not exist on the system, install it
helm upgrade [release] [chart] --install
#Upgrade to a specified version
helm upgrade [release] [chart] --version [version-number]
Uninstall helm chart
To uninstall a Helm chart and delete the associated resources from your Kubernetes cluster, you can use the helm uninstall command
helm Override the default values from a file
helm install [app-name] [chart] --values [yaml-file/url]
helm install -name helm-release-name helm-charts --namespace sample --values helm-charts/values-dev.yaml
helm install -name helm-release-name helm-charts --namespace sample --values helm-charts/values-test.yaml
helm install -name helm-release-name helm-charts --namespace sample --values helm-charts/values-prod.yaml